SAMBA announces plans to re-open Camp Mack trails

Howdy, We realize that Camp Mack has been a part of the mountain bike culture in Central Pa. for decades and we were all devastated by the sudden closure last year. After several months of negotiations with the Pa. Dutch Council, we are thrilled to announce...

IMBA launches DigIn fundraiser for Rattling Creek expansion

SAMBA is excited to announce our participation with IMBA’s DigIn program in partnership with Shimano. IMBA is collaborating with industry partners to raise matching funds to accelerate the pace of trail creation across the country and has built a fundraising...

SAMBA launches Rattling Creek expansion project

Howdy, We are thrilled to announce that SAMBA’s public volunteer work days will begin this weekend in Lykens as the Rattling Creek Trail system expansion project comes to life! The RC crew has been working to field check and flag the corridor for new trails and...

NOTICE: Governor Dick trails in jeopardy

Hello Mountain Bikers! We just want to pass along a friendly reminder regarding mountain biking at Governor Dick. Biking at Governor Dick is privilege that we cannot allow to be lost. Governor Dick has a lot of fun trails and features.  However, only some of the...

SAMBA begins construction of Coleman’s Park Bicycle Playground

We are super-stoked to announce that work is underway on the pump tracks at Coleman’s Park in Lebanon! We received our final soil delivery on Friday and today the crew finished marking the layout of the tracks and began work to start moving the soil deliveries...