Stay up to date on rides by joining our Meetup group here.
Swatara night ride scheduled on 12/5/2017 Cancelled due to inclement weather
Due to rain being forecast for Tuesday December 5th, the ride scheduled for 6PM at Swatara State Park will be cancelled. Night rides will continue next Tuesday, December 12th and continue each Tuesday through March pending trail conditions. Please monitor our SAMBA...

Sign up for The BASH at Rattling Creek and win free stuff. Anybody who registers will receive one free raffle ticket for a chance to win great prizes!
Click here to learn more and pre-register for the Fall Bash at Rattling Creek. Sept 7th - 10th! Registration earns a free entry into a raffle to win one of...
Parkway Trail Ride Saturday August 12th at 9AM
For details, please click the link below!
SAMBA Fall 2017 Bash at Rattling Creek September 7th – 10th
Please mark your calendars for September 7th-10th 2017! Join us for a Wild Weekend of fun in the Weiser State Forest! Enjoy the rocks of Rattling Creek singletrack, an IMBA EPIC, all weekend long with old and new friends. End your Friday with a Chili Cookoff...
SAMBA hosts a monthly ride on the Parkway Trail System on the second Saturday of each month! Please visit and join our Facebook group for updates and more info. Thanks!
Governor Dick night rides
Great news!!! We have permission to ride through March on Thursday nights only! The rules are as follows: Riders are allowed in the park until 9pm (Riders may park at any of the lots on the property) There must be a minimum of 2 riders Riders must have a light and be...
PLEASE JOIN US ON OCT 22 FOR OPENING DAY IN HARRISBURG!!! The Susquehanna Area Mountain Bike Association is nearing completion of The Parkway Trail System after more than a year’s work building 10 miles of trails that are sustainable, safe and fun....
Registration for Dirt Fest 2016 is open now at BikeReg and filling up quickly. Be sure to reserve your spot now! REGISTER UNDER SUSQUEHANNA AREA MOUNTAIN BIKE ASSOCIATION TO RIDE AND CAMP WITH THE SAMBA CREW!Registration for Dirt Fest 2016 is open now at BikeReg and...
Tuesday Night Ride – 12/22/15
Tonight’s (12/22/15) Tuesday Night Ride is canceled due to rain/wet trail conditions.
Swatara Park: No Night Rides (yet)
Swatara Park: Night rides at the park have not been established for this year yet, No night riding at Swatara Park until further notice.