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Avoid Muddy Trails

Avoid Muddy Trails

The freeze-thaw cycle has arrived:  Please help protect our trails and Avoid Muddy Trails!   What is freeze thaw? When the temperature drops below freezing, the moisture in the ground freezes and because water expands as it freezes, the frozen soil gets broken...

SAMBA Summer Party 2023 Registration is Open! Save the date for our summer party on Saturday, July 1 at the Mt. Gretna Fire Hall! The event opens at 1:30pm, and group rides start at 2pm, followed by the party at 4pm. Raffle, pizza dinner, and of course, New Belgium...

SAMBA launches free trails web app

SAMBA would like to announce the release of our new trails web app. You can access our free trails map at in your mobile and desktop web browser. This map features all of the trail systems where SAMBA has been involved and locations of our...

