Aug 22, 2021
SAMBA is thrilled to finally be able to announce that a new trail is coming to Lebanon City at Coleman Memorial Park! After nearly two years of negotiations with the City of Lebanon and the Board of Trustees of Coleman Park we have been able to reach an agreement to...
Jul 11, 2021
Howdy, Last year we launched the first ever SAMBA member survey in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the needs and wants of our members. We are finally able to share the results. The infographic above (Thank you Emily) captures the results using four simple...
Jul 8, 2021
Hi, Do you ride Rocky Ridge? Would you like to see more trails nearby? Hellam Hills Conservation Area is made up of the Hellam Hills Nature Preserve and Wizard Ranch Nature Preserve and consists of 1,041 acres and is only a few miles from Rocky Ridge. With funding...
Jul 8, 2021
IMBA’s Dig In Program, founded by Shimano, will provide an avenue for raising funds for mountain bike projects nationwide. IMBA can leverage its reach and relationships to provide grant opportunities via corporate partner dollars and run a national marketing...
May 15, 2021
Join us on June 6th at Coleman Park in Lebanon for the opening day of the newly expanded and enhanced pump track and jump line. Park is located at 1400 W Maple st Lebanon and the tracks will open for the 2021 season at 9am. See you there!!!
May 9, 2021
What would we do without trails? That’s something we don’t even want to think about. Trails are freedom and escape from a busy, complex world. Support our work today! More people mountain biking is a good thing for our sport. But, over crowded and over used trails...