Jun 11, 2023
SAMBA Summer Party 2023 Registration is Open! Save the date for our summer party on Saturday, July 1 at the Mt. Gretna Fire Hall! The event opens at 1:30pm, and group rides start at 2pm, followed by the party at 4pm. Raffle, pizza dinner, and of course, New Belgium...
May 1, 2023
SAMBA is hosting the annual Cabin Fever Ride at Rattling Creek on May 20th, 2023. Morning ride starting from east end parking lot at 10am. After party starts at 2pm at the Carsonville Hotel with beer and food specials. Come out for some of the best singletrack in PA!...
Apr 30, 2023
Howdy, Trails unite us all and are the freedom and escape from a busy, complex world we all need. More people involved with mountain biking is a good thing for our community and having trails for everyone is important. Protecting and maintaining the trails we all...
Mar 2, 2023
The Susquehanna Area Mountain Bike Association (SAMBA) and the Capital Area Greenbelt Association (CAGA) are launching a community effort to re-naturalize a segment of the Greenbelt corridor adjacent to 13th St. and Cloverly Terrace and along the hillside of the...
Feb 26, 2023
Howdy, Any SAMBA member in good standing may nominate another member or themselves or ask questions between now and March 15 via the contact page on our website. Open positions include Ride Committee Director, Education Committee Director, President and Vice...