SAMBA is thrilled to announce that Matt Flory will be joining the Board as the new Director of Public Relations! Matt is an original member of the HMC Trail committee and put in a lot of time helping to clear the trail corridor and install the trail tread. He was a man on a mission when it came time to restore the trails after the logging on the East side and now continues to help with trimming, upgrades and clearing trees from the trails. He recently constructed the new HMC kiosk and has also contributed to work days at Paxtang Park, Ephrata Bike Park and Rattling Creek. Matt always has a smile on his face and loves to talk to people so come out and say “Hi” at an upcoming SAMBA event such as the opening day of the Coleman Park Bicycle Playground or the re-opening day at Camp Mack! Thank You Matt for all that you’ve done and welcome to the Board!