HUGE THANK YOU to our top volunteers for this year! SAMBA is a 100% volunteer organization and we would not be able to develop, build or maintain trails without the our hard-working and dedicated volunteers. These folks have sacrificed their time and rides and contributed hundreds of hours to construct and maintain the trails that you ride. Our top three volunteers this year were rewarded with generous gift cards contributed by our friends over at Troegs Independent Craft Brewing as part of SAMBA’s Volunteer Appreciation Program. You guys are awesome. Thank you for everything you’ve done!
SAMBA’s top volunteer with most hours invested and overall contributions is Mark Moreira for the third year in a row! Mark makes sure the Parkway Trails remain clear and open and joined the Rattling Creek trail crew this year, rarely missing out on a work day. Mark also contributed to the build of the Bicycle Playground at Coleman Park in Lebanon, Paxtang Park in Harrisburg and volunteered during this year’s BASH. We can’t thank Mark enough for his fierce dedication and sacrifices again this year! You rule!

HUGE THANK YOU to Ryan Ream for his outstanding contributions and leadership at the new Bicycle Playground at Coleman Park in Lebanon. Ryan came out to dig at every work day, became SAMBA’s Director for the Park and is already planning exciting things for the park next year. Ryan volunteered at this year’s BASH and is also a member of the HMC trail crew. We can’t thank him enough for stepping up and taking care of business in Lebanon! You rule!

HUGE THANK YOU to Martin Gamez who joined the Parkway Trail committee earlier this year. Martin can smell a fallen tree a mile away and often sets wheels in motion to make sure trails are cleared as quickly as possible always volunteering to help in any situation. He went on to contribute at Paxtang Park, the BASH and to the ongoing work at the Rattling Creek expansion throughout the year and has invested his blood, sweat and time to put new trails on the ground for 2021. You rule!

Please thank these guys for their contributions and consider sacrificing just one ride to participate in a SAMBA trail work day in 2021. We need your help!